What is it?
Time in words!
A self-made wall clock that displays the current time in words instead of numbers.
It shows the current time in 5-minute steps and displays the remaining (up to 4) minutes using the dots below. On the outer edge, a rotating glow indicates the seconds like a watch hand.
The clock consists of 174 individually addressable, full-color LEDs, which are divided into 114 LEDs on the front and 60 LEDs for the backlight facing backwards.
- Connects to home WiFi for time synchronization and configuration.
- Offers different colors and animations configurable via web interface and IR remote control.
- Shows current weather forecast.
- Adjusts LED brightness according to ambient light.
- Switches on and off automatically using motion sensor when activated.
- Provides REST API and integrates Lua scripting language for advanced customizations.
- Updates itself as soon as an update is available.
- Buildroot-based operating system
- Vala-based main application
- CNC-milled, glued, and painted MDF boards
- Aluminum backing plate
- Acrylic glass front pane
Electronic components:
- iMX233-OLinuXino-NANO single-board computer based on NXP i.MX233 ARMv5 processor
- RTL8188xx based USB WiFI dongle
- 174 WS2812B LEDs
- 3 LM2596 buck converters
Custom I/O board:
- 3 buttons
- LDR sensor
- PIR sensor
- IR sensor
- Buzzer